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cybersecurity multi-factor authentication Security Key

Best Security Key 2022: Protect Your Online Accounts

While robust passwords go a long way to securing your valuable online accounts, hardware-based two-factor authentication takes that security to the next level. Password policy compliance is important, and a crucial step to securing your online life. Some of your online accounts for example, Google Account or Dropbox, might be so important and contain such […]

cybersecurity Ransomware

Ransomware: These Three Industries Have Been The Most Common Target For Attacks But No One Is Safe

According to analysis by cybersecurity researchers, over half of ransomware attacks are targeting one of three industries; banking, utilities and retail but they’ve warned that all industries are at risk from attacks and no business or industry is safe. This data was gathered during a period when some of the most high-profile ransomware attacks of the past […]

cybersecurity DDoS Attack

What is a DDoS attack? Everything you need to know about Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks and how to protect against them

What is a DDoS attack? A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) sees an attacker flooding the network or servers of the victim with a wave of internet traffic so big that their infrastructure is overwhelmed by the number of requests for access, slowing down services or taking them fully offline and preventing legitimate users from […]

Business Cyber Security Mobile Device Management Mobile Security
Business Mobile Device Management MDM Explained

What Is Mobile Device Management (MDM) & Why It’s Important

Mobile device management (MDM) is a proven methodology used to provide a workforce mobile productivity tools and applications while keeping corporate data secure.  Mobile device management is important for businesses and their workforces because they rely on mobile devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops for an assortment of jobs. In recent years, working remotely has […]

Data Backup Data Breach Data Recovery

How to protect yourself from data breaches and what to do if your data is compromised

Our daily lives revolve around the internet more than ever, and with that comes risks. Cyberattacks have become an increasing issue and data breaches are the most common form of cyber crime. Experts estimate that there’s a new victim every two seconds. Despite this, data breaches aren’t hard to protect yourself from it just takes some […]

cybersecurity multi-factor authentication Two-Factor Authentication

The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication

It’s no secret that there are many dangers when protecting online accounts with only basic password-based authentication. Despite this, the transition to stronger forms of authentication has been slow. As consumers and businesses become wiser to the imperative of better protecting their accounts, they realize that two- and multi-factor authentication is a must have.  The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends 2FA for all […]

Data Backup Data Recovery

Advantages of Data Backup and Recovery

Backup and recovery is the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect your organization against data loss. Data is one of the most valuable assets a business has and often holds the key to a competitive advantage in the market. Keeping data protected and consistently available has become more critical than ever. Critical data loss can come from […]